Saturday 30 January 2016

Volunteers for Scientists and Pioneer Village

Thank you to those parents that have offered to volunteer for the trip and scientist visit.  We have had lots so I will not be able to take everyone to every event, but will share the joy.  I will let you know details closer to the date.

Friday 29 January 2016

No School Monday - PA Day

Pay for Scientists in School and Pioneer Village

Go to


We went tobogganing today.  The children are learning all about tobogganing etiquette and how to sit on one.  It is very tricky!

Thursday 28 January 2016

80's Day Tomorrow

Bring out the leg warmers and Adidas K-way suits.  Polo shirts with the collar up.

Play Structure Donations

Thank you for the donations thus far.  We are not quite at our goal yet.  Any contribution is greatly appreciated.

Tacky the Penguin

Sorry.  I forgot to add the photo yesterday.  

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Yearbook orders due

Last day to buy yearbooks is January 31.

Tacky the Penguin

We read this story about an odd penguin.  We came up with some other words (synonyms) for 'odd'.  

I said that Mrs Scott might look strange or weird on Friday for 80's day. 

Permission for Trips and Events

You must sign up for School Cash Online in order to give your consent and to pay for your child to attend field trips.  If we do not have consent, then your child will not be allowed to go on trips with the class.

You need a student number in order to register.  Another letter is going home tomorrow with your child's  student number on it.  Please make sure you register before that letter hits the recycling bin.

Donations for Play Structure

Thank you to those that have contributed.  We have collected $77 so far.  The cost of the play structure is $375.

We will continue to collect for the next little while.

If you wish to contribute, please put it in an envelope or Baggie marked play structure and I will make sure Mrs. Kinnear gets it. 

Monday 25 January 2016

Sunday 24 January 2016

Pay for Scientists in School

You must be registered for School Cash Online to take part in Scientists in School in February.

Thursday 21 January 2016


You can now pay for scientists in school. It is open on school cash online.  

Story for the Day

Today we read the story "All You Need for a Snowman" and retold it by making our very own story map using pictures. Ask your child to tell you about the beginning, middle and end! 

Play Structure

This is a message from Brandy Kinnear, a parent of one of our students.

Hi Parents,

I know someone interested in selling their playhouse and climber and I thought it would be great for the kids in the kindergarten play area. I know the school has no budget for this so thought I'd see if us parents could collectively get some funds together to purchase these. My husband will go and pick them up and deliver to the school. If you can contribute please put the funds in an envelope with your name and mine on it and Mrs. Scott will arrange for me to collect. 

Brandy Kinnear

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Big Events Coming Up

We have a trip and Scientists in School visiting in the next few weeks.  Permission forms and payment will be on line.  Sign up for school cash online will be necessary.  


Thank you for the donations of gently used toys and beautiful junk.  We really appreciate it and the kids love new stuff.  


Way to go JK's.   We are getting all the little readers back to school.  You get new one's today for most of you. 

Sign up for school cash online

Monday 18 January 2016

Class Events/Trips

We have planned a few class events and trips.  If you wish your child to participate, you will need to have signed up for School Cash Online.  If you have not yet done so, please do it as soon as possible.  If you have misplaced your student number, let me know and I can send it home again with your child.

Valentine Celebration

In Kindergarten, we celebrate friendship (every day) but go over the top the Friday before Valentine's Day.  So, on Friday February 12 we will have a celebration.  If you wish to send cards, there are 28 students in the class.  Have your child sign each of the cards.  Do not address the Valentine's to specific students.  Students will hand out their cards on Friday morning.

Thursday 14 January 2016

Thank You School Council

The school council approved our request for binoculars for our outdoor science kits, toys to support our exploration stations, more trucks and snow shovels for our play yard.

Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!

PA Day tomorrow-no school

Which season is best?

We have been discussing things that happen in a year:  seasons, holidays, special celebrations.  When we talked about the 4 seasons we focused on:  things we see, things we do, things we wear.  The students have had to sort clothing and activities into the appropriate season/time of year.  As part on an activity in their poem and song books, I asked each of them which season they prefer, summer or winter.  They had some good answers to support their preference.

I like eating popsicles in the summer.  Cameron
I like summer because we get to eat cold stuff.  Ella
I like to swim in the summer.  Kristian
I like running and playing tag in the summer. Adam
I like to go sledding in winter.  Guneet
I like spring and summer because they are warm.  Sebastian
I like summer because I like playing soccer.  Marcus
I like winter because I like shovelling.  Marko
I like swinging in the summer.  Karen
I like to make snow angels in the winter.  Adrijana
I like summer because it’s always sunny out.  Ethan
I like summer because I like swimming in Wasaga.  Elle
I love to make a snowman in the winter.  Nelly
I like wearing sunglasses in the summer.  Gabriel
I like making a snowman.  Madison
I like building a snowman.  Melissa
I like to walk around and feel the warm breeze.  Jacob
I like to walk around and smell the flowers.  Alana
I like making a snowman.  Arjun

I like snow.  Daniel
I like playing baseball in the summer.  Seth
I like eating ice cream in the summer.  Farzan
I like summer because the sun warms me up.  Teegan
I like winter because it has snowflakes.  Sophie
I like winter because I get to build snowmen.  Almir
I like wearing shorts and playing hot wheels outside.  Coleton

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Learning centres

Decisions. Decisions.

Ask your child where they decided to learn today.  

Tuesday 12 January 2016

PA Day Friday

No school on Friday.

Kindergarten Registration

Registration for new JK's begins on Friday.  Please remind your neighbours with 3 year olds.

Friday 8 January 2016

Lunch Programs - Woo Hoo!!!!

We appreciate your patience as we work out the glitches in our milk, pita and pizza programs.
All programs started this week and will continue until the end of June.

Lost and Found is Growing

Please let me know if anything belongs to you.  
We would have sent it home with the right kid, except there were no names on any of it. Please label label label.

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Freaky Friday

Go crazy!  Knock yourself out!
Friday will be Freaky Friday.
Wear something wild!

Pizza volunteers needed!

The pizza program only flies if we have parent volunteers to hand out the slices.

It takes about 10 minutes to hand out the pizza slices to a class. That's 10 minutes once a week.  If there are lots of volunteers, you may only have to do it once a month.  

My 2 boys go to Highview, so I put on my parent hat and help out with this school fundraiser. The bell rings at 12:25, I walk across the hall to the lunch room and hand out pizza to a class. I'm usually done at 12:30.  That's it.  

Last year, we had a parent volunteer who had a toddler in a backpack as he was handing out pizza to a class.  Amazing commitment to the job!

Please let me know if you are available to help.  Thank you in advance for supporting Highview's main fundraiser.  

Beautiful Junk

We are looking for beautiful junk for our cut and paste centre.  Beautiful junk is a vague term used to define stuff that is lying around your house that you may consider for the garbage can but is just too pretty/shiny/sparkly to throw out.
-pipe cleaners
-sequines (sparkly stuff)
-little bits of fabric, yarn, wrapping paper
-etc., etc.

Here are some samples of what students have created with some of the stuff we have right now.

Please keep in mind that it should be fairly small.  Please don't send in a refridgerator box.


Author Visit

Today we had a visit from Sandra Shosha, author of Aiden's Itchy Back.  It was a cute story about forest animals helping out a bear with an itchy back.  The story is based on her husband and his daughters who would scratch his back-only to find out he is incredibly ticklish.  She sent a box of crayons and flyer home with each student.

SK French Immersion Meeting

There is an information night Thursday January 14 at Devins Drive from 7-8pm.
Registration is Friday January 15.

Please let me or Mrs. Mah-Doucette know if you are planning on attending.

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Some Pics

Freaky Friday Friday

Students are asked to wear something 'freaky' on Friday.  Interpretation is wide open.  Let's see what the kids come up with.

RAH RAH Books - JK's start soon

SK's, please return your read-at-home books on the scheduled day.
Monday's:  SB, AB, CB, CC
Tuesday's:  ND, ED, EF, SF
Wednesday's:  JH, GK, AR
Thursday's:  GS, MY

The JK's will be taking home RAH RAH books next week.
Please return the books each Monday.  New books will be sent by Friday of that week.

Saturday 2 January 2016

See you tomorrow!!!

Who's excited to go back to school?  As a mom, I'm counting down the days until my boys are back to class.

We finally got some snow.  It is supposed to be cold on Monday, so please make sure your child is dressed warmly.

LABEL, LABEL, LABEL all winter clothing:  mittens, hats and snow pants especially.