Wednesday 9 September 2015

Welcome to Kindergarten 2015-2016

If you are reading this, it means you have found Mrs. Scott's Kindergarten blog!!

Please subscribe to this blog.  Add your email address in the box just below the calendar.  A 'Feedburner' message will be sent to you (check your inbox or junk) shortly.  Click on the Feedburner message and agree or accept (I can't remember) and my blog will be sent directly to you.  All you need to do is click on the email and my blog will open.  You only receive emails when I post something new.

There are 2 adults in the classroom this year.  Myself and Mrs. Mah-Doucette is our DECE (designated early childhood educator).  Our classroom name will be The Scodette's (a combination of Scott and Doucette).  Ms. Persons and Ms. MacDearmid are next door again this year.  They also have a class of 29 children.  Ms. Wride and Ms. Ewing are across the hall with an SK/1 class.  Some of our friends are there now.  We will play with them at recess, lunch and activity times.

There are 29 students in the class.  15 JK's and 14 SK's.  We ask that you LABEL EVERYTHING!!!  If something comes to school unlabelled, you may find I have taken a sharpie and written your child's name in the piece of clothing.  58 students times the jackets, shoes, hoodies, snow pants, hats, mittens, lunch containers and drink bottles is just too great number for me to keep track of.  Put the sharpie you were given at the orientation in a convenient spot (a kitchen drawer perhaps) so it's handy or email Mabel at Mabel's Labels a to order peel and stick labels.

I have 3 main forms of communication:  this blog, the iBag and email.  This blog is my main form of communication.  Please check it daily to know of upcoming events, the star of the day and classroom information.  The iBag is also an important communication tool.  It must come to school everyday and we will return each day.  You can let us know of dentist appointments, vacations, pick up issues, etc. by writing a note and placing it in the iBag.  We send home work, letters and permission forms in that iBag.  If your child would like to play with a classmate (Kindergarten is where friendships begin), please put a note including your name and contact information in the bag and we will be happy to pass it along.  I cannot share personal phone numbers or email addresses.  I will also send out emails to you individually and in a group as needed.  I do like to send you photos of your child playing and working at school.  Imagine clicking on your "you've got mail" button and seeing your child's sweet little face pop up.  My email is if you need to reach me.

Please send indoor shoes and a spare set of clothes in your child's backpack.  Make sure your child has a refillable drink bottle.  With the heat we had this week, many students filled up several times a day.  We can't refill a juice box and do not have a drinking fountain in the classroom.

I am trying to eliminate 'the juice box' this year.  It leaves behind garbage (the straw and wrapper) and often a mess as juice spills out as the students squeeze it.  Please take a second to imagine cleaning up 29 messes twice a day.  This is the mom in me, imploring you to consider how much time it takes to clean up after that many children.  Instead of mopping and wiping, we would rather be teaching, playing and singing.  I strongly recommend only sending water.  It's refreshing, won't spoil and if it happens to spill in a backpack or the lunchbox itself it won't make everything sticky.  It evaporates!  If you do feel the need to send juice, please pour it into a refillable container so the child can refill that container with water if needed.  We do go outside at least twice a day and have gym twice a week.  The students will get thirsty.

Did I mention:  LABEL EVERYTHING!!!!!

My other blogs won't be this long.  I promise!
Have a good night.

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