Monday 22 June 2015

Safety Village

Thank you to the many volunteers that were able to come today.  It was great to have so much help.

We had a great time at Safety Village today! The students talked to a police officer about when to call 911 and when not to. We got to sit in a real police car and turn on the siren. One of our stops was the city jail where we got to see our students behind bars;).  We visited with fire fighter Melanie who taught us about the dangers of smoke and what to do in case of a fire at home. We also found things around our home that may be hot and therefore, dangerous.  We practised stop, drop and roll in case our clothes catch fire. My favourite thing was learning about water safety.  We need lifejackets and to always swim with a parent.  Please ask your child to tell you about today.  Show them the pictures.

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