Saturday 27 June 2015

School's Out For Summer

Did you see that chicken go running by with his head cut off?  That was me the past few days.  Sorry I have not written a final blog until now (sadly at 6:30 am on Saturday morning).  Darn body alarm clock!

It has been an absolute pleasure to have worked with your children the past 10 months.  They are motivated, inquisitive and busy little learners.  I hope those books and video we sent home at the Kindergarten celebration will serve as a reminder and keepsake of all the amazing things we did this past year in Kindergarten.  Please revisit the poem and song book in the summer to keep your child engaged in reading.

Thank you for all your support both in the classroom and at home.  It really is a team effort.

The last day's weather and dismissal was not exactly conducive to proper goodbyes. Mrs. Mah-Doucette, Mrs. Crossley and I would have liked to have said goodbye to each of you personally.  We hope that you and your family have a safe, restful and enjoyable summer.   We wish our SK friends all the best as they start their new adventure in Grade One.  We look forward to seeing our JK friends in September.

Here is the link to the newsletter which explains the procedure for the first day of school.

Here is the June newsletter.

SK friends, you can now unsubscribe to the blog.  You will likely have a new blog next year.

Friday 26 June 2015

Thursday 25 June 2015

More photos to come

Zoo to you visited out the classroom today. We saw all kinds of animals and the kids got to touch many of them.  Stay posted for photographs.

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Fun Times at Playday

Sorry. I don't have any pictures because I was working an event. Mrs. Nelson was taking photos so I will send some along when she uploads them. 

Monday 22 June 2015

Safety Village

Thank you to the many volunteers that were able to come today.  It was great to have so much help.

We had a great time at Safety Village today! The students talked to a police officer about when to call 911 and when not to. We got to sit in a real police car and turn on the siren. One of our stops was the city jail where we got to see our students behind bars;).  We visited with fire fighter Melanie who taught us about the dangers of smoke and what to do in case of a fire at home. We also found things around our home that may be hot and therefore, dangerous.  We practised stop, drop and roll in case our clothes catch fire. My favourite thing was learning about water safety.  We need lifejackets and to always swim with a parent.  Please ask your child to tell you about today.  Show them the pictures.

Friday 19 June 2015

Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who was able to make it in this afternoon to see the Kindergarten students perform.  Your children were fantastic!  We are so proud of them.  Thank you for sharing them with us this year.

Safety Village Monday

This is a short trip, 9-11:30am.  The children will bring their snacks with them.  Just pack a regular lunch.

Parents meeting us there should arrive by 9:15.

Happy Father's Day!

Thursday 18 June 2015

Ice Cream Party

We had an ice cream and playground party today with our reading buddies.  We celebrated a great year of getting know some of the older kids at Highview.  

Amazing Trip To Fairy Lake

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Lost and found

We came home with 3 items that didn't have a home, a pair of yellow socks, cars socks and a towel. Please let me know if they are yours.  

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Trip tomorrow

Please pack snacks, a lunch and water.  'Pita' kids will get it at the end of the day.

I would recommend filling water bottles half full with water tonight and freezing it.  Then fill it up in the morning.

Students will need sunscreen, a hat and towel. 

Wear a bathing suit with a t-shirt.  

Monday 15 June 2015


We require new permission forms because of the change in date.  Please return it so your child can attend our end of year trip.

Sunday 14 June 2015

Concert this Friday

Performance begins at 2:15 in the lunchroom.  See you then.  

Reading programs

The reading programs are coming to a close.  Please return all books back to school, including any library books.  

We will continue to read with students at school.  

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Fairy Lake Trip Postponed

We are not going to Fairy Lake tomorrow due to weather forecast.  Please watch the blog for further details.

Kindergarten Celebration

You are invited into the classroom on Friday June 19 at 2:15 to enjoy some songs and refreshments.

Monday 8 June 2015

Fairy Lake Debate

The weather network is calling for rain on Wednesday so we are considering rescheduling or changing the format of the Fairy Lake trip.  We will keep you posted.

High Tea Celebration

Not to be confused with the volunteer breakfast tomorrow.  We held a high tea in the Kindergarten this morning.  We were celebrating two of our volunteers.  These lovely women have come consistently every week for two years.  They have provided a lot of support for the Kindergarten program and have enhanced the students' learning.  We will miss them terribly.

Mrs. Wright showed the children how to eat a scone with jam and clotted cream properly before we sat down to 'tea'.  They had cookies, fancy sandwiches and tea (mostly milk) to accompany the scones.  I am pleased to tell you that all (I think) tried a little bit of everything.  There were only crumbs left for the most part.

Volunteer Breakfast Tomorrow

We appreciate all the parents who volunteer their time and help out in the classroom, school and at special events.  If you helped out this year (Scientists in school, field trips or in our class), please join us in the staff room tomorrow morning between 7:30 and 8:20 for a light breakfast.

Friday 5 June 2015

Fairy Lake Volunteers

Thanks to all those who have offered to join us on June 10th. We are not in need of any parents for this event as we have enough staff attending. 

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Fairy Lake

The permission letter went home today.  Please sign it and return it tomorrow.  The cost of the trip is 'free'!

I forgot to include in the letter that the kids need to bring a towel.  In their backpack should also be an extra t-shirt, pair of shorts and underwear.  They should wear their bathing suit with clothes overtop. Boys can just wear their bathing suit bottom with a t-shirt.

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Pita Pit

Pita Pit lunches are June 10 and June 17.   They will need a lunch on June 23, there is no more pita lunches.

2 Trips This Month

We will be going to Fairy Lake next Wednesday.  Students will need a hat, sunscreen, bathing suit, towel and water to drink.

On Monday the 22nd, we will be going to Safety Village with the other primary students.  Students will need a hat, sunscreen and water to drink.

Highview's June Newletter

Spring Fling is Thursday

You can buy tickets at the door.  It is lots of fun!