Monday 21 December 2015

See you in 2016!!

Theatre Anyone?

I can't believe I forgot to tell you about one of my favourite little theatres, the Solar Stage.  It's a small little theatre located in an office building at Yonge and Finch.  The kids sit on pillows in the front and parents sit off to the side or at the back on chairs.  The plays are geared for small children (ages 3-8) and often, the kids are called upon to be a part in the play.  My son Andrew played Rudolph in one of their Christmas shows.  It is cheap and close by.  After the show, we always went to Moxie's (in the same building) for lunch and had their volcano sundaes!

Thursday 17 December 2015

The Sneaky Gingerbread Man

On Thursday, the Macon's and the Scodette's baked 4 gingerbread men.  We opened the oven door and all 4 were gone.  They left us some clues and took us on a wild goose chase throughout the school.  We went to the gym, library, office and finally found them in the staff room.  Once we had them in our hands, it was a "snip" and a "snap" and they were gone!


Indoor shoes

Indoor shoes go home tomorrow for a size check. Also have a look at the spare set of clothes to see if they still fit. 

Pizza orders due by midnight

Door Decorating

Check out the amazing gingerbread house!!! Thanks to the teachers in the pod for pulling it altogether.  

Wednesday 16 December 2015

Pyjama Day tomorrow


Prices go up on the 18th.  You can buy a Highview Yearbook up until the end of January.

Toy Drive Ends

Thank you to those families that contributed.  Highview students sent several boxes to the Lions club to distribute to needy families.

Pajama Day on Friday

Last Call

Last call for pizza orders.  They are due tomorrow.  

Sign up for school cash online to take part in pizza lunches.  Call the school at 905-727-6642 if you have misplaced the sheet that had your students ID #.  You need it to register.  

Sunday 13 December 2015

Yearbooks On Sale

Would you like a keepsake from the school year 2015-2016?  School yearbooks are available to purchase if you are interested.

Save if you buy before December 18.  Last day to purchase is January 31.  There may not be any to purchase in the spring.

Pizza Orders Due

Sign up for School Cash Online to buy pizza on Fridays.

The student number is on the pink/peach sheet that went home a couple of weeks ago.
If you have misplaced it, let me know.

You will need to be online to sign permission forms as well as pay for school events, trips and clothing - from now until your child graduates high school.  You may as well jump on board now.

Library Tomorrow

Friday 11 December 2015

Library is Monday


The school yearbook is available at  Yearbooks are only available online and until January.  You will not be able to buy one at the end of the year.

Our Canada Basket

Spectacular Performance

Last night was amazing.  The children did a wonderful job performing for their very first audience.

I hope you all enjoyed yourselves.

Did anyone from our class take home a basket?

The Gingerbread Man

The students are bringing home their poem and song book tonight.  Please return them on Monday.

We have been reading a variety of versions of the Gingerbread Man including:  The Gingerbread Cowboy, The Gingerbread Pirates, The Gingerbread Girl and The Gingerbread Bear.  We talked about the similarities and differences between them.

We were also practicing using our voice to sound like some of the characters chasing the Gingerbread Man.  When your child reads the last page of the poem and song book, have them try using a few different voices.

Thursday 10 December 2015

Lost some cutlery?

These will be available for you to take tonight. 

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Monday 7 December 2015

Concert Thursday at 6:30

Tacky Sweater Day Friday

Sign Up For School Cash Online

You will find the student # at the top (on a label) of that the peach/pink paper that went home last week.  Sign up for pizza, milk and pitas.

Sunday 6 December 2015

Holiday Concert 6:30 Thursday

Remember to find your seats in the gym and then bring your child to the classroom between 6:15 and 6:25.  After all the Kindergarten performances, we will meet you back in the classroom at intermission.

Toy/Pyjama Drive continues

Highview is collecting new toys, pj's and slippers for children in need.

Friday 4 December 2015

Sign Up For School Cash Online

Signing up means you receive permission forms, important notifications and can pay for trips without having to find your cheque book or the letter that got misplaced or a pen or an envelope to send it in.  And...... this it until they walk out the door of high school.  That means, you are set up for the next 14 years!  How great is that?

So spend a couple of minutes this weekend to get onboard.

Toy/Pyjama Drive continues

A Main Street Christmas

Schomberg gets all dressed up and invites everyone to come and enjoy a fun-filled family event along historic Main Street. Visit the Craft Show in the Community Hall, enjoy the parades, be entertained by jugglers, musicians and singers while enjoying some delicious food.  Cost is $5 a person.

The Santa Claus Parade at 4 pm kicks off with creative floats, costumed walkers and music to get you into the Christmas spirit!
The Spectacular Farmers' Parade of Lights begins at 8 pm with dozens of farming machinery decorated with Christmas Lights slowly making their way along the street...with Santa on the biggest machine of all!

I highly recommend the 8pm parade (if your little one's can stay awake that long).  The tractors, thrashers and combines are amazing!

Thursday 3 December 2015

Lunch Programs-sign up online

Holiday Drive

Highview students are encouraged to bring in new toys, socks, slippers and pyjamas for children in need.

View Blogs On Your Phone

You only get a partial view of the blog when looking at it on your mobile device.  If you click 'go to full site' you will see the entire thing (including the calendar).

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Holiday Concert Details

The concert begins at 6:30.  Arrive in time to find seats.
Drop your child off in the classroom no earlier than 6:15 and then proceed to the gym.

After the performances, the students will be taken back to the classroom and we will wait for you there.  At intermission, you may leave and pick up your child at that time.  Then, you may go home or watch the second half of the concert.

Please remember to have a look at the beautiful gift baskets put together by our school council. Students and staff have collected some amazing items for you to bid on.

Of course, if your child wishes to dress up for this event, that would be adorable.

Register for Online Payments

Lunch programs start in January.  Sign up online.  Please refer to the letter pink/peach coloured letter that went home.

Pitas and pizza are Highview fundraisers.  The little one's seem to really enjoy the pizza (and you won't need to make lunch on Friday's).

Before signing up for milk, please think seriously about whether your child can drink from a carton and finish 250ml of milk.

December Newsletter

Monday 30 November 2015

Ordering Online

Highview has hit the big leagues.  You can now register and pay online for class trips, special events and lunch programs. 

Pizza, pitas and milk are being offered now for the new year. You can register and pay online for these lunch programs. There was letter sent home today regarding this new method of registration and payment.  The couple of minutes it takes to sign up will be worth it.  

With the milk program, please consider whether your child can drink from a carton and can drink the full 250 ml.   Last year, we found most milks were left unfinished (and had to be dumped out).  You can always send milk in a refillable drink container.  

However, our favourite beverage is good old water!!! 

Library Tomorrow

Jersey Day tomorrow

Saturday 28 November 2015

Santa under the stars

The Santa Claus parade is tonight from 6 to 8 PM. It's on Yonge Street. Hope to see you there.

Friday 27 November 2015

Jersey Day

Wear your favourite sports jersey on Tuesday.

Monday 23 November 2015

Last call for basket items

If you haven't yet brought in an item for our 'Canada' basket to be auctioned off at the holiday concert, donations need to be in by Wednesday.   

We could use a Tim's gift card if you're stuck for an idea.  

With the money donated I bought a few items: a blanket, coffee mug, mittens, Roots socks and a book.  

Sunday 22 November 2015

Friday 20 November 2015

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Superhero Day on Friday

Holiday Gift Basket

Thank you for all the contributions so far. We will be collecting items or cash until the end of the month

Our theme is Canadiana so Tims and Canadian Tire cards, things with a moose, beaver, loon, maple leaf on them (e.g., book, blanket, mug, package of cards, decoration, etc.) are a few suggestions.  

Sunday 15 November 2015

Terry Fox Run is tomorrow

Please bring a Toonie if you haven't already done so.

Friday 13 November 2015

Holiday Concert

Kindergarten students will be performing Thursday December 10.
Classroom holiday gift baskets will be up for auction.
Our classroom's theme is Canadiana.  Please bring in cash or an item to contribute.  It is much appreciated.

Terry Fox Run

Please bring in a toonie if you haven't already done so.

Thursday 12 November 2015

Terry Fox Run

Please bring a toonie.

Correction on Dates for JK Visits

The JK visits are:
Thursday November 19
Tuesday November 24
Wednesday the 25th
Thursday the 26th.

So far M.G. and M.F. will have parents visiting on the Tuesday the 24th.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Holiday Concert/Baskets

The Kindergarten students will be performing in a holiday concert on Thursday December 10 in the evening.  More details will follow.

The Scodette's are collecting items and cash to create a gift basket entitled "Canadiana".  This will be auctioned off at the concert.  Each class has a different theme.  Some items that would fit our Canadiana theme would be:  stuffed animal (moose, beaver, bear), Canada flag beach towel, maple syrup, snowflake candle, pair of socks from Roots....
Gift cards include:  Canadian Tire, Tim Horton's, CARA card, Roots, The Bay...

Superhero Day

Friday November 20.  Come to school dressed as a superhero.  It can be a prefab or homemade costume.

Terry Fox Run Friday

Please bring a 'toonie for Terry' or donate online.  We will be running/walking around the back field.

Tuesday 3 November 2015

School Photos

School photos are due November 9.  Ignore the date on the package.  

Sunday 20 September 2015

A Pause In The Blog

Due to extenuating circumstances, our blog cannot be updated starting tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Friday 18 September 2015

Kindergarten Helpers

Miss Kayla is a high school co-op student who is helping in our classrooms every day until the snow comes.  We are very lucky to have her.

We also have a student teacher from York University, Ms. Embrey, coming every Thursday for the year.

Gym Fun

Ms. MacDearmid joined us for gym and had the students hop through hoops and chase the hoop across the gym.  Tons of fun and everyone cheered as students ran to catch it.

Thursday 17 September 2015

Lunch Assistants Needed

If you are interested in helping the kindergarten students with lunch, please let me know or call the school at (905) 727-6642.   It is a paid position.  You won't be able to go on a trip to Aruba with your pay check, but a new pair of boots aren't out of the question.  

Fire Drill Tuesday

School Council Meeting

Monday September 21 at 7pm in the library.  Everyone is welcome. 

Being a member of the council is a good way to get involved with the school and find out (and help decide) on some of the amazing things that go on at Highview.  


Thank you to everyone that has subscribed to the blog. 

Thank you to everyone who is returned all the paperwork.

Wednesday 16 September 2015


Star of the Day

We will be starting our 'Star of the Day' program shortly.  Each school day a different student will be assigned as 'the Star'.  The 'Star' has special responsibilities.  This student is the leader of the line, gets to help with the morning circle routines, sits in a special chair and is able to bring in something to share with the class.  If your child is away for their 'Star' day, they will have an opportunity the following month.

This time, the 'Star' of the day is asked to bring in something that begins with the same letter as their name.  E.g., Mrs. Scott-sunglasses, Mrs. Mah-Doucette-monkey.

The 'Star' will be posted on the Google Calendar attached to this blog.

Funny Story

Scatter Gather

We went to the gym today.  First time!  We played Scatter Gather and reviewed safety rules for playing in the gym.

Return Classroom and School Information

Return Emergency Information Package (brown envelope)

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Return paperwork

Library is Wednesday. Not today. Oops!

Bus Fun

Today we watched a short bus safety video and sat on the bus.  Bus driver Bob reviewed some safety rules and showed the students how to get off the bus if the front door is unusable.  The children had to hold their arms out and be lifted out by 2 grade 8 helpers.

Important Rules:

Sit on the bus.  Face forward.
No food or drinks.
Backpacks go on their laps.
Stay far away from the side and front of the bus.

Monday 14 September 2015

Sunday 13 September 2015

Bus Safety Tuesday

The students watch a short film on bus safety and review bus procedures and rules.  Afterwards, we head out to the bus and practice going out the back door-in case of an emergency.  Please tell your child that the bus is not going anywhere.  We are simply learning how to get off a bus in case the front door is not available.

Some first week pics

Friday 11 September 2015


The wasps are very bad on the schoolyard.  Please do not send juice next week.  They seem to be able to smell it a mile away!


Almost all of them came back today!!!!  Please continue to send them each and every school day.

So Much Paperwork

Thank you for filling out the endless amounts of paperwork.  The beginning of the year is always like that.  If you haven't yet done so, please fill it out and send it to school on Monday.  I appreciate your promptness with this.

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Classroom Activities

All schools in York Region are on a '5 Day Cycle'.

We have music with Mrs. Marchand on Day 1.
We have gym on Day 2 and 4.
We also have library on Day 2.
Mrs. Shaver will be coming into the classroom 3x a week to teach some math.

Check the google calendar in the blog to see which days these activities fall in the week.
I have included a 5 day cycle link below the calendar for you to check what 'day' it is.

Welcome to Kindergarten 2015-2016

If you are reading this, it means you have found Mrs. Scott's Kindergarten blog!!

Please subscribe to this blog.  Add your email address in the box just below the calendar.  A 'Feedburner' message will be sent to you (check your inbox or junk) shortly.  Click on the Feedburner message and agree or accept (I can't remember) and my blog will be sent directly to you.  All you need to do is click on the email and my blog will open.  You only receive emails when I post something new.

There are 2 adults in the classroom this year.  Myself and Mrs. Mah-Doucette is our DECE (designated early childhood educator).  Our classroom name will be The Scodette's (a combination of Scott and Doucette).  Ms. Persons and Ms. MacDearmid are next door again this year.  They also have a class of 29 children.  Ms. Wride and Ms. Ewing are across the hall with an SK/1 class.  Some of our friends are there now.  We will play with them at recess, lunch and activity times.

There are 29 students in the class.  15 JK's and 14 SK's.  We ask that you LABEL EVERYTHING!!!  If something comes to school unlabelled, you may find I have taken a sharpie and written your child's name in the piece of clothing.  58 students times the jackets, shoes, hoodies, snow pants, hats, mittens, lunch containers and drink bottles is just too great number for me to keep track of.  Put the sharpie you were given at the orientation in a convenient spot (a kitchen drawer perhaps) so it's handy or email Mabel at Mabel's Labels a to order peel and stick labels.

I have 3 main forms of communication:  this blog, the iBag and email.  This blog is my main form of communication.  Please check it daily to know of upcoming events, the star of the day and classroom information.  The iBag is also an important communication tool.  It must come to school everyday and we will return each day.  You can let us know of dentist appointments, vacations, pick up issues, etc. by writing a note and placing it in the iBag.  We send home work, letters and permission forms in that iBag.  If your child would like to play with a classmate (Kindergarten is where friendships begin), please put a note including your name and contact information in the bag and we will be happy to pass it along.  I cannot share personal phone numbers or email addresses.  I will also send out emails to you individually and in a group as needed.  I do like to send you photos of your child playing and working at school.  Imagine clicking on your "you've got mail" button and seeing your child's sweet little face pop up.  My email is if you need to reach me.

Please send indoor shoes and a spare set of clothes in your child's backpack.  Make sure your child has a refillable drink bottle.  With the heat we had this week, many students filled up several times a day.  We can't refill a juice box and do not have a drinking fountain in the classroom.

I am trying to eliminate 'the juice box' this year.  It leaves behind garbage (the straw and wrapper) and often a mess as juice spills out as the students squeeze it.  Please take a second to imagine cleaning up 29 messes twice a day.  This is the mom in me, imploring you to consider how much time it takes to clean up after that many children.  Instead of mopping and wiping, we would rather be teaching, playing and singing.  I strongly recommend only sending water.  It's refreshing, won't spoil and if it happens to spill in a backpack or the lunchbox itself it won't make everything sticky.  It evaporates!  If you do feel the need to send juice, please pour it into a refillable container so the child can refill that container with water if needed.  We do go outside at least twice a day and have gym twice a week.  The students will get thirsty.

Did I mention:  LABEL EVERYTHING!!!!!

My other blogs won't be this long.  I promise!
Have a good night.

Saturday 27 June 2015

School's Out For Summer

Did you see that chicken go running by with his head cut off?  That was me the past few days.  Sorry I have not written a final blog until now (sadly at 6:30 am on Saturday morning).  Darn body alarm clock!

It has been an absolute pleasure to have worked with your children the past 10 months.  They are motivated, inquisitive and busy little learners.  I hope those books and video we sent home at the Kindergarten celebration will serve as a reminder and keepsake of all the amazing things we did this past year in Kindergarten.  Please revisit the poem and song book in the summer to keep your child engaged in reading.

Thank you for all your support both in the classroom and at home.  It really is a team effort.

The last day's weather and dismissal was not exactly conducive to proper goodbyes. Mrs. Mah-Doucette, Mrs. Crossley and I would have liked to have said goodbye to each of you personally.  We hope that you and your family have a safe, restful and enjoyable summer.   We wish our SK friends all the best as they start their new adventure in Grade One.  We look forward to seeing our JK friends in September.

Here is the link to the newsletter which explains the procedure for the first day of school.

Here is the June newsletter.

SK friends, you can now unsubscribe to the blog.  You will likely have a new blog next year.

Friday 26 June 2015