Sunday 23 October 2016

Fall/Halloween Information

Please keep your child home if they are sick.

Send appropriate clothing for the weather:  rain boots, splash pants, mittens and a hat if it's cool.

Holiday food drive continues at Highview.  We are collecting non-perishable food items.

Halloween costumes can be worn to school on Monday October 31.  Please label everything and send a bag to put it in afterwards.  We change out of our costumes at 10am.  Make sure to include regular school clothes if they cannot be worn under the costume.  Do not send any treats to school.  Your child will get plenty later that evening.  Our celebration will include a variety of activities, but not food.  Keep all weapons that are part of the costume at home.   Thank you for your cooperation.  It will be a fun day.

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Don't Panic

When you don't see any kindergarten teachers you recognize on Thursday morning (picture day), don't panic.  We are all out at a workshop in the morning but will be back for picture day after lunch. Please consider carefully what you pack in your child's lunch that day.  They need to stay stain free for 5 hours.

Sunday 2 October 2016

Upcoming Dates

October 10 - Thanksgiving, no school
October 11 - Bus Safety
October 13 - Picture Day
October 20 - Trip to Brooks Farm
October 28 - PA Day, no school
November 4 - Vision/Hearing Screening, SK only
November 15 - Photo re-take day
Mid November - Observation Visits for JK parents.  8:30-10am.  More information to follow.
November 22 - Scientists in School
November 24 - Parent interviews in the evening
November 25 - PA Day, parent interviews

Crazy Weather

The weather looks beautiful this coming week.  It may still be cool in the mornings but warm by lunch.

Please dress your child in layer's and remember to send them to school with a refillable water bottle.