Tuesday 31 May 2016

Library Thursday

Pirate Party

The Macon's made a Pirate Treasure Map for us.
We had to follow the shape clues and dig for the treasure.

Monday 30 May 2016

Volunteer Breakfast

This year’s volunteer breakfast will take place June 8th at 7:30 a.m. in the staffroom.  If you have volunteered in any capacity (in the classroom, field trips, Scientists in School), please feel free to join us.  

Drive for Dekpor this week

As you do your spring cleaning, please set aside gently used outgrown running shoes, cleats, sports jerseys, summer shoes, and backpacks. Beginning May 30th, we will be collecting these items to send to Dekpor, Ghana where they will be put to very good use by students there.

Spring Fair Wednesday


After the tremendous success of our past fairs, we are eagerly anticipating this year’s Community Spring Fair. The School Council has arranged many exciting activities. They include:  Robo Rampage 15’ X 15’ Wall E bouncy castle, 23’ Polar Plunge, Wrecking Ball (for the strong and the brave), 13 X 15 Knights’ Castle, 5 in 1 Sports Combo, Carnival Games, Clown, Magician, Candy Floss, Popcorn And lots more…… The Optimist Club will be barbequing—so be sure you bring a big appetite! We will not be pre-selling food this year so be sure to bring your food money to the event. Tickets for the Fair are $9.00 per person if purchased prior to the event using SchoolCashOnLine (watch for an email) or $10.00 at the gate. Family passes are $25.00 (immediate family members only).

Saturday 28 May 2016

Spring Fair date correction

I must have lost my brain in the heat.

The spring fair is Wednesday June 1.  Hope to see you there.

Thursday 26 May 2016

Correction - Fairy Lake

Trip on June 15.  Not sure how a 28 appeared.  Sorry for the confusion.

Important dates for June

June 2 - Spring Fair
June 3 - PA Day (no school)
June 15 - Fairy Lake Trip (no volunteers needed)
June 16 - Rain Date for Fairy Lake
June 21 - Playday for kindergarten students at Highview
June 24 - Kindergarten Celebration - students are performing at 2:15.  Everyone is welcome.
June 28 - special surprise for students at school

Spring fling tickets

The spring fling is June 2.

Tickets are on sale through school cash online.  You should have received an email.  Sales close this weekend. www.schoolcashonline.com

Friday 20 May 2016

Sign Language

The grade 7 students created a genius project.  There are photos at the bottom of the post.

What is Genius Hour?

Genius hour is a movement that allows students to explore their own passions and encourages creativity in the classroom.  It provides students a choice in what they learn during a set period of time during school.  It’s not easy to determine where the idea was originally created, but there are at least two events that have impacted genius hour.

Genius Hour Origins

The search-engine giant, Google, allows it’s engineers to spend 20% of their time to work on any pet project that they want.  The idea is very simple.  Allow people to work on something that interests them, and productivity will go up.  Google’s policy has worked so well that it has been said that 50% of Google’s projects have been created during this creative time period.  Ever heard of Gmail or Google News?  These projects are creations by passionate developers that blossomed from their their 20-time projects.
Another origin of genius hour projects came from the book Drive by best-selling author, Daniel Pink.  In a blog post he writes about how the Google-time projects are also used in other corporations.Carly came to visit our class and taught the children sign language.  They learned how to sign please and thank you as well as some different animal names.
Meet Carly
Sign for 'turtle'
Sign for 'rabbit'

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Shadow Puppet Plays

Very cool and we learned about renewable energy resources and how to preserve the environment. 

Thursday 12 May 2016

Puppet Show Monday

Over the last month, all three Intermediate classes at Highview have taken part in the Artist in Residence (AIR) program.  The AIR Program provides opportunities for grade and subject teams (grades 7-12) to explore how the arts can be used to differentiate instruction and enhance student learning through artist/teacher collaboration.  The students' focus this year is using Shadow Puppets to bring awareness to one of the UN's Sustainable goals.

On Monday, students will be showcasing their work for Highview students.  We will be watching the performance in the lunchroom.

Tyrone the Horrible

We read books this week that had main characters that were both nice and mean.  We discussed which character we would prefer to spend time with and which one's showed better 'character'.  Your child is bringing home a drawing about an event from one of these stories.  Ask them to tell you about their picture, the story it is from and what the characters are like.

Jump Rope For Heart Pledge Forms Due

Monday 9 May 2016

Sunday 8 May 2016

Happy Mother's Day

This was my Mother's Day last year with my boys (Aidan and Andrew) at Wonderland.
We got caught in a downpour.  Good times!

I hope all the mom's out there have a wonderful day.

Jump Rope For Heart

Please start to collect pledges.  Pledge forms will go home on Monday.

Friday 6 May 2016

Jump Rope For Heart

Oops.  I forgot to send home the pledge forms.  I will send them on Monday but if you or other family members who wish to donate, you can so online. 

Thursday 5 May 2016

Fine Arts Night Tonight 6:30

The school looks amazing.  Bring the family!

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Arts Night 6:30pm

  1.  Yesterday I posted that Arts night was at 5:30.  Don't come then.  Doors open an hour later.  Sorry for the confusion.
  2. Arts Night will take place from 6:30 to 8:00 pm on Thursday, May 5th.  There are several interactive workshops being held, and the Drama Club will present “An Alphabet Story” in the gym at 7:15 pm.  The Gee Gee’s will be selling popcorn and water, with proceeds going to the Dekpor School Organization. 

Pizza day is tomorrow

In lieu of the surprise PA Day, pizza will be served tomorrow, this Thursday only.  
Isn't that great news?

Ms. Embree

Tomorrow will be Ms. Embree's last day.  It has been wonderful having her teach in the class.  The students have really enjoyed learning about bugs and how they can help our earth through composting and recycling.  

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Fine Arts Night tomorrow

5:30-8 pm

Jump Rope For Heart Monday

Students will be collecting pledges over the weekend and will participate in Jump Rope for Heart Monday afternoon. 

No school Friday-PA Day

Monday 2 May 2016

Fine Arts Night

Highview turns into an art gallery, theatre and concert venue on Thursday night.  Please bring your family to enjoy all the 'arts' Highview has to offer.  Each student will have at least one piece of artwork on the walls around the school.  There will be performances and demonstrations by classes throughout the evening.  My son's class will be teaching the parents The Stick Dance.  I can't wait!!!

You are free to roam around the hallways throughout the school from 5:30-8pm.  It is a great way to spend the evening with family and neighbours.  Our artwork will be displayed in the main foyer.  I hope to see you there.


SK books will go home next week.  We have a lot going on this week.