Friday 29 May 2015

JK Book Swap

The classroom is a buzz with activity.  JK's will now swap their books every Monday (no more Friday's).  We will send home a couple of extras to last throughout the week.

Thursday 28 May 2015

Track and Field

We went out again yesterday to watch some of the events.  This time it was grades 3-5, so many students saw their siblings compete.  Several kids chose to stay and watch high jump instead of coming back to the class to activity centres.  They were big fans of the 100m, triple jump, ball throw and high jump.

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Practicing for Grade One

The SK students will be going out for recess with the big kids a few times before the end of the year.  They need to practice being grade one's.  There is a Kindergarten teacher in the big yard with them.

The SK students will also have a couple of lunches in the lunchroom with grades 1-4.

They are very excited!!!!

Wristbands for Spring Fling by Friday

Library Tomorrow

Monday 25 May 2015

Library Wednesday

Purchase Spring Fling Tickets

Kindergarten Performance

The Jk's and Sk's are getting together to put on one final performance. This will be on June 19th at 2:15pm. The show will take place in our Lunch Room and then you are invited back to our room for some juice and cookies. 

More information will follow closer to the date.

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Spring Fling Bracelets

Bracelets are on sale for our Spring Fling on Thursday June 4, 5-9pm.  Send your order form and a cheque or cash before May 29.

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Library is rescheduled

Mrs. Nelson (who is our librarian) is away at the Special Needs track and field meet tomorrow.  Our library time will be rescheduled.  Return your book anyway, so you can sign out a new one when we do go up to the library.  

Friday 15 May 2015

New sand!

We are helping our track and field competitors by spreading the sand out for them.  Tons of fun!

Library Wednesday

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Dental Screening

Dental screening will be tomorrow and Friday.  The dental assistants shine a light in the students' mouth and count their teeth.  They do a visual check of any worrisome areas and send a letter home with concerns if necessary.

Calling All Gardeners

The Highview garden is being planted this afternoon.  If you are interested in helping, please dress appropriately and meet the Eco Team out the front of the school at 4pm today.

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Frog alert!

Check out the frogs the kids made!

Natural Playground

We enjoyed our outdoor playground this afternoon.  They discovered teeter totters, hills to run up and jump off and a giant tree stump to leap off.  Lots of trilliums were out.  Your child will need a bath.  

Monday 11 May 2015

Money, money, money

Today we sorted all the money collected for scientists in school.  The students need to explore different Canadian coins as part of the math curriculum.  Give them opportunities to use money in real situations.  Let them pay for your coffee or that pack of gum.  

Library Tuesday

Friday 8 May 2015

Happy Mother's Day!

Findings in the Forest

We went for a walk in the Case Woodlot (the forest behind the school) and found all kinds of signs of spring.

A Woodpecker

We brought back sticks

Morning Drop Off

The daycare supervisor is not the classroom supervisor.  Please do not leave your child with our amazing daycare staff.  Wait for a teacher from the Kindergarten team (Mrs. Mah-Doucette, Mrs. Crossley, Mrs. Persons, Ms. MacDearmid and Mrs. Scott) before leaving.  We come out at 8:20.

Dangers of Flip Flops

We are going through bandaids like crazy-lots of skinned knees.  Please send your child in appropriate footwear for running.  Flips flops are best for the beach.

Jumping Beans

We jumped and jumped and jumped today.  Thank you for handing in your pledge forms.  If yours is still at home, send it on Monday.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Jump Rope For Heart

We jump on Friday at 2:45.  Please hand in your pledge forms.

Gardening Anyone?

The Eco Team is ready to plant the front garden and they would love your help. 
Please join us: Wednesday, May 13th at 4pm.
Please RSVP 905-727-6642 if you would like to come out.

Scientists in School $6.65

Jump Rope for Heart Envelopes Due

Tuesday 5 May 2015

New Literacy Centres

Turtles have come to town!  We have 5 new centres, based on turtles and the pond they live in.  Here are some cute pics!

Pond Study

Mrs. Crossley made a trip (almost literally) down to the pond on her farm.  She brought us back some pond water for us to investigate.  There are some very cool creatures swimming around in the bucket.  Ask your child what they saw.  We talked about the importance of leaving natural habitats intact and how she will return the water to the pond in a couple of days.

Ukelele Sing-A-Long

The grade 8 students at Highview have written songs and play them with ukeleles.  Our Kindergarten students have served as an audience and back up singers.  What a great opportunity for them to explore some of the amazing programs here.  Plus, they get to know some of the big kids!  Some are even their siblings and neighbours.

Sunday 3 May 2015

It's Warm

Students need sunscreen on, a hat and water please.

Library Tuesday

Amazing Night

Fine Arts Night was wonderful.  Thank you to everyone that was able to make it.  The children did a fantastic job of performing.  Thank you to Mrs. Walker who put all the pieces together to make our Highview students shine.