Tuesday 31 March 2015

L & F Boutique

The schools lost and found has been laid out on display in the front foyer.  Please come by and have a look for lost items. 

Community park

We went to a new playground today. Many of the children said they had been here before with their moms and dads. That's fantastic that you're making use of the Neighborhood.

Buzz About Bees

Scientists in School will be visiting us on Wednesday April 22.  If you would like to volunteer, please send me a note in the iBag.  We will be doing 5 centres all about Bees.  We need 4 volunteers and you will be needed at the school from 8:10-11:30.

Ask Your Child

Ask your child to tell you about music class today.
Let's just say:  a spot light, a ukulele and a duck.

JK RAH RAH books

Please return books on Thursday and then again on Tuesday (for Easter weekend).  
Normal book swapping will resume to Monday's and Friday's.  Please return books on those days.   

Tuesday 24 March 2015


SK's please return your readers.  SA, RC, IG, DG, MJ, SL and JM.

March Break homework

Please talk with your child tonight about some of the things that you (they) did on the holiday.  We will be sharing tomorrow at school.

Science Centre Fun

Yesterday we had an excellent time at the Science Centre. It was a perfect day to go as it was not that busy and the students got to try out all the activities. We started out the day at the Kidspark. There were many activities such as a food market, marble run, house building centre, water table, caves and so much more.  Many of our activities required simple machines to make them work.  Mid way through the day the students went to a science workshop. We had to help get Sammy the Raccoon from the forest, back to the Science Centre.  They learned about types of transportation and movement.  Students got a chance to explore all the concepts in small groups with experiments.  We did a walk through the Space Hall and spent some time watching this huge marble run.  We had a fantastic day and are full of new ideas and stories.
And so it begins....

X-Ray guitar playing

Building dams at the water table

Learning about hot air

Pushing pins - a favourite activity

More pin pushing

How can make we make water move?

Learning about light - and performing

Which gas makes a balloon rise?

More pin pushing

Crazy self images

Spinning - learning about momentum

Building, using a conveyor belt

Bringing bricks for building

At the marketplace

Project manager of house building

Learning about gears

Sorting - living and non living things

What forces make things move?
We used wind to make a sail move.

Most students touched a Madagascar cockroach

More fun at the water table

Pumps and falls

More fun with pins
Rock on - Let It Go
Learning about wind

Service elevator ride to the bus.  So much fun!
The escalator was being fixed.

Several sleepers on the way home

Sunday 22 March 2015

Science Centre reminders

Bring a 'easy to eat, non messy' snack and water.  Lunch can be the same as usual (yes, sadly we are back to making lunches).  
Bring a change of clothes just in case.  

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Science Centre Trip

This is just a reminder that we leave at 8:45 on Monday morning.  I am asking that you pack a 'tidy' snack like a granola bar, cereal bar or muffin for that day.  I want to minimize snack time to maximize Science Centre visiting time.



Sorry for all the typos on the last blog!  I must have been more ready for the March Break than I thought!

Thursday 12 March 2015


The  and songbooks are going home today. Please read some of the poems over the holiday. You do not need to revisit all of them every day. In the very back is a new poem to learn. Please fill in the name address and phone number that your child can use in case of an emergency. Some of the students attempted to fill it in with their reading buddies today. Please correct it, if it's necessary.

Science Centre Volunteers

Thank you to all the parents who volunteered for the trip. Unfortunately, we can only bring two and those people have been contacted. There will likely be a picnic in June and we will need many parents for that trip.

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Welcome to our New Student

Change of Clothes

The students got quite wet at recess and lunch today.  The snow is finally melting.  Please make sure your child has a change of clothes for tomorrow.  They need socks, pants and mittens.  The last two days we decided to have the students carry their soggy snow pants home instead of putting them on.  Yuck!

If your child is wearing clothes or socks that you do not recognize, they belong to the Kindergarten.  Please wash and return them to school.  Thank you!

If you would like us to send home their indoor shoes for the March Break, please send us a note in the iBag.

Library Tomorrow

Chris Hadfield Astronaut

We are watching some Chris Hadfield videos of what daily life (brushing teeth, wringing out a cloth, making a sandwich) is like in space.  Here is a link for you to check out at home.


You can also check him out on you tube.  He does a great duet with Ed Robertson from the Barenaked Ladies.

Pizza Orders Due

Pita Pit Orders Due

Science Centre Forms and $10

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Return Science Centre forms

We need the permission forms by Thursday.  There is no school Friday and we leave on the Monday right after the holiday.  

Monday 9 March 2015


We have room for two volunteers (maximum) per class to attend the Science Centre.  If you are interested, please send us a note and we will pull names out of a hat.

Pizza and Pita Orders Due

Return Science Centre Forms

Friday 6 March 2015

Science Centre Trip

The information is going home today.  Please bring $10 for the Science Centre trip.  

Thursday 5 March 2015

Star of the Day

JK's, please bring in a simple machine to share.

Crazy Hair Day Tomorrow

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Crazy Hair Day Friday

Meeting Tomorrow

Mrs. Crossley, Mrs. Mah-Doucette and Mrs.Scott are in a meeting about the FDK program at Highview. We will be back at 11:35. There will be three supply teachers in for the morning only.

Pizza Orders Online

Pita Pit Orders Due

Library Tomorrow

Science Centre

We are trying to organize a trip to the Science Centre after March Break.  Keep your eyes open for a letter.  The cost will be $10 I believe.  The cost of the bus is covered by our amazing school council. That makes our trip about half price.  Thank you so much Highview School Council!

No sesame seeds please

Please check bread, bagels, crackers, etc. for sesame seeds.  There are students in the Kindergarten pod with a life threatening allergy to sesame.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Crazy Hair Day Friday

Basketball 101

Ms. MacDearmid (our specialized gym teacher) taught the kids how to dribble and do a chest pass today.  Things to remember when doing a chest pass, "fingers forward, fingers up, fingers back, push the ball".

Library Thursday

New Pizza Order

This new order will go from April to June.  Woo hooo!  June!


Monday 2 March 2015

Mabels Labels Sale

It's their birthday!  40% off!


Amazing Reader!

WOW!!! Way to go MJ! You have read 100 books.  What an inspiration to us all!

Hard at Work

Space Books
Marble painting on waxed paper.  Dry, then cut into planets.
All About Me class book.
iPads with a friend.
Moon boots
Entering the space shuttle