Saturday 29 November 2014

Thank You

Thank you to all of our JK parents for visiting the classroom this past week.  I know your child loved having you see their space, watch them work and meet their friends.  It was a pleasure having you in the class.


One of my favourite holiday parades is next Saturday December 6 in Schomberg.  The town has a day parade but my favourite is the night time one.  They put lights on tractors and farm equipment.  It's really cool.  It is a whole day event.

Library Monday

Don't forget your book.

Mabel's Label's Sale

Wednesday 26 November 2014

JK Visits

We are enjoying having the JK parents visit the Kindergarten.  Thank you for taking the time to come and see your kids in action.
We will be wrapping up our visits this week but you are always welcome.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Holiday Concert

Highview will be hosting a holiday concert on Thursday December 11.  The Kindergarten students are NOT be performing.  However, this doesn't mean you cannot go.  It is a fun night out and the Kindergarteners love to see their reading buddies, older siblings and neighbours perform.  This concert will be showcasing the primary choir and the intermediate bands conducted by our amazing Mrs. Walker.

The gift baskets will be on display in the main hallway that evening.  A silent auction will be held as a fundraiser for Highview students.  At the end of intermission, the auction will be shut down and winners will be announced at the end of the show.

Canadiana Gift Basket

Thank you for all the amazing donations to the gift basket.  I can't wait to see the finished product.  If you would like to help prepare the baskets for the Holiday Concert Silent Auction please let me know.  I'm sure the School Council would appreciate volunteers.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Tuesday 18 November 2014


I cannot beg enough.  Please label mittens and all other winter clothing.  We have 50 pairs of snowpants, 100 boots, 100 mittens, 50 hats and 50 jackets.  That is 350 articles of clothing and the children get dressed 3 times a day so the chance of a mix up in the crowded hallway is highly likely.

You can add additional waterproofing to mittens by spraying them with boot waterproofing spray every 3 weeks or so.

I Am A Scientist

Thank you to our school council for funding our first Scientists in School visit.  It was fantastic. 

Today we had a full morning visit from Scientist Fiona and her friend Sally.  Our program was titled "I Can be a Scientist".  We became working scientists in our classroom lab.  We experienced the interesting things that meteorologists, astronomers, palaeontologists and chemists do every day.  We discovered that science is FUN and anyone can be a scientist.  Thanks to our helper Moms for coming in to lead stations.  Here's a little photo recap of the morning's events.  Ask your little scientists which job they liked the best and why and let them retell what they did at each station.

The students tested temperature and 
learned about precipitation.  They made it rain in the classroom!


The students learned about the stars, space and constellations.  They used flashlights in the tent to make the big dipper appear.

The students mixed substances and learned about solutions and things that dissolve and things that don't.  They looked like professionals with lab coats and safety glasses.  Ask you child what happened when they added vinegar to the baking soda.

Marine Biologist
The students measured fish, made fish prints and examined shells and dead (preserved) ocean creatures like crayfish and squid. 

The students made fossils using plaster of paris and uncovered dinosaur bones using the tools of the trade.

Friday Dress Up Day

The house captains have planned a special dress up day on Friday.  The theme:  What I want to be when I grow up.  Ask you son/daughter what they'd like to be when then grow up.  Dress accordingly.  

Monday 17 November 2014

Report Card Envelopes

There are still 2 report cards to go home later this year.  Please return the envelope.

Canadiana Basket

We have received so many great items for our basket.  Thanks!! Donations can be made up until Friday.

Saturday 15 November 2014

Canadiana Basket

Thank you so much for the contributions thus far.  There is a nice variety of items.  
We will be collecting items until the 20th.

I Can Be a Scientist

Scientist Fiona comes on Monday.  She will bring all kinds of equipment so the children can discover some of the different kinds of scientists there are.

This is perfect timing as Friday is a special dress up day.  The theme of Friday's special day is 'What I want to be when I grow up'.

Library Monday

Please bring your library book to school on Monday.
We had lots of 'remember notes' last week.  If everyone returns their books, then we get NO 'remember notes'.  Wooo hooo!!!!

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Can I Have A Stegosaurus, Mom?

Ask you child, "What would you do if you had a stegosaurus?  How could he help you? Could you use his size, strength, spikes or plates for anything special?"

Student Story

Thank you I.Y. for sharing your story.  I wonder if it will inspire others to write a story about their favourite toy.  

Library Monday

Canadiana Basket is Growing

Our basket continues to grow with wonderful donations.   We are getting a great variety.  Thanks so much for your contributions.  

Report Cards Envelopes Due

Please send in page 3 (for the SK's).  

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Items for Canadiana Basket

Dinosaur Footprint

A brontosaurus footprint is as big as 25 kids shoes,
and 15 adult shoes.  
How many baby shoes?

Sing this poem with the tune of Twinkle Twinkle.  

Tyrannosaurus Rex

His name means terrible lizard.  He gets a bad rap just like the great white shark. 

SK Vision Screening

Vision screening took place today for the SK's.  They each brought home an envelope containing the results of the test and next steps if necessary.

Remembrance Day

We went outside and read a story called Canada's Flag (I had to have Mrs. Crossley finish it-I'm such a sap!).  We had our moment of silence gathered under the trees by the forest.  It was a peaceful way to remember how fortunate we are to live in such a beautiful and free country.

Nature Crowns

We went for a lovely walk along the edge of the forest and found some amazing things from Mother Nature to put on our crowns.

Monday 10 November 2014

Scientists in School

If you are available, we need one more volunteer from 8:30-11-30 on Monday November 17.  

Report Cards

Report cards go home tomorrow.  SK interview confirmations will be in the report card envelope.  

Canadiana Basket

We have had some great contributions to our basket so far.  

Still stuck? Fraktals chocolates are not only Canadian, they are made in Aurora.  

How about a Hudson Bay mug or a car wash from Petro-Canada?

How big is a Brontosaurus?

His footprint is as big as 24 kids shoes.  

Pink Eye

I am pretty sure we have had a few cases of pink eye over the past week.  Please make sure your child is washing his/her hands and if they seem to develop pink eye, please make sure it is cleared up before sending him/her back to school.

Picture Orders

Pictures were due today.
You can order online.  See the order form for details.

Friday 7 November 2014

Class Pictures

Class pictures are due Monday or order online.  

Interview forms to be returned

Confirmations times for the SK's will be sent next Tuesday when the report cards go home.

Canadiana Basket

A letter is going home that explains the gift basket in more detail.  Perhaps if you are out this weekend, you may seen something appropriate for the basket.  The idea on the bottom of the letter that got cut off is "Olympic Spirit Clothing" like the mittens with the maple leaf.

I just thought of another idea:  a puzzle of Canada or a Canadian board game.

Scientists In School

We need a few more volunteers for Monday November 17.  Please let me know if you are available from 8:15-11:30 (it probably won't be that long).

Hats and Mittens

Please make sure the children wear hats and mitts to school.  They are outside approximately 60 minutes everyday.  

LABEL the hats and mittens.  If you don't have labels, a silver sharpie or fabric paint pen work on the top of black waterproof mittens.  Gloves are tricky for little hands to put on.  

Thursday 6 November 2014

Library Tomorrow

Hand in Interview Forms

Gift Basket

Each class room is collecting items and/or money to build a gift basket.  These baskets will be on display at our December school concert.  The baskets will be auctioned off with proceeds going towards materials, programming and technology for Highview students.  The theme of our basket is 'Canadiana'.  All things Canadian.  This is what the students came up with.  
I thought gift cards to Canadian corporations like Canadian Tire, Tim Hortons, Roots were good ideas.  Or perhaps some hockey paraphernalia like mini sticks or pucks.  How about maple leaf cookie cutters or a candle with a snowflake? Use your imagination.  All contributions are greatly appreciated.  If we have cash donations, the school council will purchase items for the basket.  

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Interview Form in the School Newsletter

The newsletter is filled with important information for all Highview parents.  There is information about School Council, ways in which you can get involved with special Highview events as well as a peek into what goes on at Highview in the older grades (e.g., band, sports and Eco news).

Click on the link for the November newsletter.


We have discussed the life cycle of the pumpkin this week.  The students were asked to order and describe the cycle.  Ask your child to tell you the story and encourage them to use words like: seed, vine, blossom and pumpkin.  We also learned that sun, rain and time help the seed to grow and change.  Some students will take theirs home tomorrow.  

Great Book

This was a great story about stereotypes and friendship.  

Scholastic due Monday

School Photos

Envelopes are due Monday.  

Library Friday

Please return your books.


Please keep toys at home.  It is upsetting to children when they get broken or lost.  With 51 children in the Kindergarten, this is highly likely.

SK Interview Times

Please send in your request for times as soon as possible.  I am going to try and schedule most interviews Friday morning as Mrs. Mah-Doucette and Mrs. Crossley will be able to attend.

JK Observation Visits

Please return your request for a day for observation visits as soon as possible.  The time slots are filling up.