Monday 22 December 2014

Sports jersey Day

Sports jersey day is Friday.  Wear your favourite sports shirt.  

Thursday 18 December 2014

School Council Meeting

The school council meeting is January 12 at 7:15 in the library.  Everyone is welcome.

Pita Pit Orders Due

Orders are due Friday January 9.

Library Monday

A Fond Farewell

Ms. Wand has been promoted to Vice Principal and will be leaving Highview.  She was an amazing teaching partner to work with.  Ms. Wand has such an incredible wealth of knowledge and experience.  We were fortunate that she willingly shared her enthusiasm for learning and going outside to explover (explore/discover-her word) with us.  Ms. Wand brought us butterflies, magic sticks and Gnorm.  She will be sadly missed.  However, I am very excited for her as she takes on this challenging new role with the Board.  Now, she can share her passion for education with many more teachers at her new school.  They are incredibly fortunate to have her.  Ms. Wand has definitely left a footprint here at Highview and especially in the Kindergarten Pod.  We wish you all the best Ms. Wand!!!  Who will harmonize O'Canada with me now?

Shoes and Clothes Go Home


Bring your book back tomorrow so you don't have to remember over the holiday.  We have library the first day back.

Festive Day

Tomorrow is Festive Day.  Wear red, white or green.  Antlers or a crazy hat!

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Holiday Sing-A-Long

The primary division will be having a singalong tomorrow morning.  

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Holiday Hero Drive is Delivered

Thank you for all your contributions.  The gifts and clothes have been picked up.

Festive Day

Friday is Festive Day.  Wear red, white, green, blue or silver.  Or go crazy with antlers or hats.

Monday 15 December 2014

Shoes and Spare Clothes

We will send home indoor shoes and spare clothes for the holidays.  Please check the sizing on the shoes and make sure the spare clothes are appropriate for winter.  Reload the backpack for January.  

Tobogganing Fun on Friday

Making Reindeer with Our Buddies

The big kids traced the kindy hands and feet to make these reindeer.  

Friday 12 December 2014

Concert and Silent Auction is Tonight

 The gift baskets are up for silent auction tonight before the concert and at intermission.  The bidding starts at 6:30 and the performance starts at 7pm.

Library in Monday

Please return your book.  

Holiday Activities

We made patterns.  
We counted decorations.  
We painted.  

Thursday 11 December 2014

Concert is Rescheduled

This evening's performance has been rescheduled to Monday December 15. 6:30 silent auction.  7:00 show time.  

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Holiday Hero Drive Ends Friday

Thank you so much for all the contributions.  If you still wish to bring something in (winter clothing, toys, pajamas), you have until Friday.

SK RAH RAH Book Exchange

Please bring your books back each week for exchange.

Tuesdays - SA, RC, IB-G, KG
Wednesdays - DG, MJ, SL, JM
Thursdays - ES, DW, EW, IY

Do You Like The Theatre?

The Solar Stage was one of my favourite places to my boys when they were younger.  It's a small theatre, inexpensive, low key and often the kids get to be part of the show.   There is a Moxie's in the building so we would go have lunch afterwards.

Monday 8 December 2014

Music with Mrs. Mah-Doucette

Mrs. Mah-Doucette brought her guitar for an amazing singalong today.  The students get the opportunity to do solos, duets and quartets to some familiar songs.  Ask your child what they sang today and what their favourite Mrs. Mah-Doucette song is.  We are lucky that she shares her musical talent about twice a week. 

Holiday Concert Thursday

The older Highview students will be doing a dress rehearsal of the holiday concert on Thursday December 11 at 10:45.  The kindergarten students will be attending. 

Parents are welcome to attend the evening perofrmance at 7:00.  The gift baskets will be up for auction that night.  

The kindergarten students are not performing. 

Sunday 7 December 2014

Library Monday

Volcanic Action in the FDK Pod

We witnessed two epic volcanic eruptions last week.  Both were pretty awesome!

Based on our demonstration we could see why some scientists think that a volcanic eruption could be one plausible theory for extinction of the dinosaurs.  In these pictures you can see that many of our our dinosaurs did not survive.

It was a fitting end to our inquiry.

More Details About Fun Friday

This week's Fun Friday fell on Pyjama Day and what better way to enjoy PJ Day then with some pancakes and hot chocolate.  Each student had the opportunity to dine at the IHOP-FDK pancake bar where Chefs MacDearmid and Mah-Doucette whipped up a lovely batch of light and fluffy flapjacks for everyone!

Lots of skills to practice at the pancake bar:  sitting properly at a table, using appropriate language and manners with the server and staff how to engage in polite dinner conversation, how to compliment the chef and most of all - how to use a knife and fork to cut your pancakes!  

Friday 5 December 2014

Fun Friday

We had so much fun at pajama day! We ended the day with pancakes, iPads and block play.  

Thursday 4 December 2014

Pajama Day is Tomorrow

A Main Street Christmas Schomberg

The Main Street in Schomberg is closed for holiday celebrations.  There is a parade in the afternoon but tractors are lit up for the evening parade.  I hope to see you there!  They have a website to check out. 

Aurora Indoor Farmers Market

It takes place at the armory (across from the town park from 9-2. 

Holiday Hero Clothing/Toy Drive Continues

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Toy/Winter Clothing/Pajama Drive

Our Holiday Hero program continues.  We are accepting donations for toys, pj's and winter clothing until next Friday.  

Pajama Day

This Friday is pajama day.  Wear your pj's to school. 

Reusable Lunch Bags for Sale

Homemade (by Highview parents and teachers, me included!) lunch and snack bags are for sale tomorrow.  $4 for a small and a large.  A great way to help out the environment.  If you would like to purchase some, send a note and cash in the iBag. 

Monday 1 December 2014

Outside Clothing

We continue to go outside on a daily basis.  Please make sure you send your child in appropriate clothing.  

Pajama Day

Wear pajamas on Friday. 

Holiday Hero Drive

Highview is collecting new toys and pajamas for the Holiday Hero drive. There is more information in Highview's December newsletter.

Reading Buddies

Our grade 2/3 reading buddies visited today.  They shared some dinosaur books. 

Saturday 29 November 2014

Thank You

Thank you to all of our JK parents for visiting the classroom this past week.  I know your child loved having you see their space, watch them work and meet their friends.  It was a pleasure having you in the class.


One of my favourite holiday parades is next Saturday December 6 in Schomberg.  The town has a day parade but my favourite is the night time one.  They put lights on tractors and farm equipment.  It's really cool.  It is a whole day event.

Library Monday

Don't forget your book.

Mabel's Label's Sale

Wednesday 26 November 2014

JK Visits

We are enjoying having the JK parents visit the Kindergarten.  Thank you for taking the time to come and see your kids in action.
We will be wrapping up our visits this week but you are always welcome.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Holiday Concert

Highview will be hosting a holiday concert on Thursday December 11.  The Kindergarten students are NOT be performing.  However, this doesn't mean you cannot go.  It is a fun night out and the Kindergarteners love to see their reading buddies, older siblings and neighbours perform.  This concert will be showcasing the primary choir and the intermediate bands conducted by our amazing Mrs. Walker.

The gift baskets will be on display in the main hallway that evening.  A silent auction will be held as a fundraiser for Highview students.  At the end of intermission, the auction will be shut down and winners will be announced at the end of the show.

Canadiana Gift Basket

Thank you for all the amazing donations to the gift basket.  I can't wait to see the finished product.  If you would like to help prepare the baskets for the Holiday Concert Silent Auction please let me know.  I'm sure the School Council would appreciate volunteers.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Tuesday 18 November 2014


I cannot beg enough.  Please label mittens and all other winter clothing.  We have 50 pairs of snowpants, 100 boots, 100 mittens, 50 hats and 50 jackets.  That is 350 articles of clothing and the children get dressed 3 times a day so the chance of a mix up in the crowded hallway is highly likely.

You can add additional waterproofing to mittens by spraying them with boot waterproofing spray every 3 weeks or so.

I Am A Scientist

Thank you to our school council for funding our first Scientists in School visit.  It was fantastic. 

Today we had a full morning visit from Scientist Fiona and her friend Sally.  Our program was titled "I Can be a Scientist".  We became working scientists in our classroom lab.  We experienced the interesting things that meteorologists, astronomers, palaeontologists and chemists do every day.  We discovered that science is FUN and anyone can be a scientist.  Thanks to our helper Moms for coming in to lead stations.  Here's a little photo recap of the morning's events.  Ask your little scientists which job they liked the best and why and let them retell what they did at each station.

The students tested temperature and 
learned about precipitation.  They made it rain in the classroom!


The students learned about the stars, space and constellations.  They used flashlights in the tent to make the big dipper appear.

The students mixed substances and learned about solutions and things that dissolve and things that don't.  They looked like professionals with lab coats and safety glasses.  Ask you child what happened when they added vinegar to the baking soda.

Marine Biologist
The students measured fish, made fish prints and examined shells and dead (preserved) ocean creatures like crayfish and squid. 

The students made fossils using plaster of paris and uncovered dinosaur bones using the tools of the trade.